best blackjack movies

Great Blackjack Movies

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games and there are many great movies that show blackjack gambling. If you’re a fan of this card game, then you should definitely watch these movies as they will give you a better understanding of the game and its strategies.

21 (2008, Kevin Spacey)

This American crime drama is inspired by the MIT blackjack team that cheated casinos out of millions of dollars. It follows an MIT professor who trains his brightest students in the art of card counting then sets them loose on Las Vegas casinos where they carry out heists with covert signalling on blackjack games.

Croupier (2000)

Another movie about blackjack is Croupier, which tells the story of a gambler who goes into a problematic debt-filled world. He breaks a number of casino rules while working as a dealer, and this causes him a lot of problems. He eventually gets fired from the job, and his only way to get back into the game is by playing blackjack.

Rain Man (1988, Tom Cruise)

Another great blackjack movie is Rain Man, which stars Tom Cruise as Charlie Babbitt, a car importer who sells Lamborghinis to millionaires in the United States. After his father dies, Charlie discovers that he has a crazy brother who inherits $3 million and a old Buick Roadmaster.

In this movie, Tom Cruise plays two brothers who are very different from each other and who have a lot in common, including their ability to count cards. It’s also a very romantic film that features a lot of scenes about the game of blackjack.

Hot Shoe (2007)

If you love the game of blackjack, then this is the perfect film for you. It features interviews with card-counting experts and professionals who talk about their experiences and how they managed to become successful at the game of blackjack. It is also an interesting documentary that reveals the history of the game and the rise in popularity over time.

Jinxed! (1982)

If you’re interested in seeing a blackjack comedy, then this is the best choice for you. Bette Midler stars in this movie as Bonita Friml, a Las Vegas lounge singer who is married to a gambler named Harold Benson. They both win a lot of money, but nobody knows what’s behind their winning streaks.

The Cooler (2009)

If you like romantic dramas, then this is the right choice for you. It tells the story of Bernie Lutz, a cooler who works at the Shangri-La casino in Las Vegas. He loses a lot of money in his career, and when he meets Shally, the casino manager, he decides to change his role and start jinxing gamblers who are winning a lot.

This is one of the best blackjack movies in the decade and a great movie to watch if you want to learn more about card-counting. It is a very exciting movie that has everything from casino, blackjack, romance, and even tragedy rolled into one.